Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Journey to Playa Azul, Costa Rica

So, I have made here, to the Sanctuary Resort. My plane was, once again, 5 hours late leaving San Francisco, but I stuck it out. I landed in Miami, exchanged currency, took a look around and felt like I was already in a different country, and voila! Here I am. I exchanged money at the airport-mistake. The exchange rate in Costa Rica is 534 Colones to the dollar, but in the airport, I got the 394 Colones rate. So, I lost $140, but live and learn. Also, booking a trip through a travel agency in not in my future plans either. If I would have booked it all myself, I would have saved a good amount of money, but once again, live and learn. I am just happy to be here, finally.

I am sitting on my lower deck, typing, as the waves crash on the beach and the birds chirp melodies I have never heard before. I really wish my uncle were here because he is the bird expert, but I intend to find out species what comprise the local population, even if I have to learn Spanish to do it (signing up for Spanish classes as soon as I get back).

Once I got my monster truck from the airport and starting making my way to the coast (1 hour drive), I realized why Kate at Waterways recommended a 4-wheel drive. I think I spent about 20 kilometers on pavement and the remaining 60 or so on dirt roads. Indiana dirt roads don’t hold a candle to the roads here, if that’s what you want to call them. I was bouncing around in the truck like I was in a jungle gym with 15 teenagers, while constantly trying to keep my board from hitting me in the face.

It’s hilarious-the directions I was given to get here are something like, “when you see the big tree near the rock by the bridge, turn left and go for 5-8 kilometers. Then when you see the woman selling eggs on the right, after the gas station, take a right. Keep going until you see signs for the resort (which there weren’t any) and you will be there in about 15 minutes (more like an hour). So, all in all, it took me about 2 hours to get here.

I was plowing along, blowing up dust like a dune buggy, when I had to come to a screeching halt because a logging semi loaded with freshly felled trees was jack-knifed in the road. At this point, I knew I would have to be patient. The truck had about 20 guys trying to put rocks, sticks, anything to give the semi some traction to make it up the hill. I had been driving 90 minutes at that point and REALLY had to use the facilities. I noticed a woman staring at the mess of backed-up cars from her fence and walked up to her and asked if I could use the bano. She couldn’t have been happier to take me to the outdoor shack that is her toilet. I felt bad for using her toilet paper-really. I was very grateful, because I was the only girl around for miles and ducking behind a tree inconspicuously was not an option.

Then, two old German guys in beads and momos rolled up, got out of their van, and lit up a big joint. They were just watching the scene, predicting what would happen. “Are you Swedish?”, they asked (haven’t been asked that a million times already). “No, I’m Irish, but I might like to be a Swede someday. Get back to me later.” Finally, after much clutch-grinding, the big tree killer made its way up the hill and I was free! Yippee! We were all cheering (had to be around 50 people taking interest in this predicament).

So, I sped along dodging dogs, sheep, goats, chickens, people, etc, and finally made it here to paradise. I can’t believe a place like this survives in the middle of nowhere, but it’s been an adventure already.

I checked in, prompted donned the bikini and jumped in the Pacific. Warm!

The receptionist claims the chef is crazy and he is whipping up a bbq/line-dancing shindig for later, so of course, I have to check this out. My house, yes house, is lovely. I will try to post pictures soon. It has 3 showers, one of which is private and outdoors. I love it!

Hope all is well. Surfing tomorrow….more later!


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